Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Washington, District of Columbia

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Telephone REptilit 1234 TIMES HSjRAL WASHINGTON THURSDAY APRIL 10 1952 Ht Ss Help Mm Hlp Mm Hriy Mm Vital Counter Statistics Attention Veteran AND Warehouseman UNDER Stock Clerks Bee Mr Nuver Countermen APPLY nr PERSON MONDAT THRU SATURDAY 14 MELPAR Inc 'Jr Accountant ADJUSTER 11 14 APPLY XM PERSON BUSBOY 10 APPLY PERSONNEL ASSEMBLY YOUNG MAN Helpers IN LARGE MODERN PLANT Warehousem*n for GRILLMAN Large urniture Store 5 Day 11 40 Hour Week JR ASST MANAGER TO DO TRAINEE TECHNICAL WRITING BED MR GERACI MACHINISTS NATIONAL SERVICE MAH URNITURE CO 7TH AND STS NW Truck Painter Easy 2021 MOORE ST to Place a ROSSLYN VA Service Station Times Herald ATTENDANTS HOUSEMAN Want IS Ad 48 HOUR WEEK 1 VACATIONS WITH PAY or colored Bxperienee in co INVESTIGATOR COUNTERMAN PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE ItOT Waahlnr mactiln expw necurery: Times Herald Apply in Person Want Adi REpublio 1284 1 WJKTINGHOUSE AIK BRAKri CO 4S2 SWANN AVE ALEXANDRIA VA 452 SWANN AVE ALEXANDRIA VA TIMES HERALD 1317 St NW Previous stock axpuieco de eireble but Mt required Por tion arelleble tor work withMtnoertiw firm 48 hour week Timo and a ball for orertlmo A SUBSIDIARY OT THE WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE CO PHONE tbs Times Herald Want Ad Department RE 1234 and say: want to place Want Good salaries and working condi tions Vacation with pay Company benefits Knowledb of electronics essen tial Extra par fdr 48 hour work week Excellent working conditions 3 BRING ft to the Service Counter Main Lobby Times Herald Bulldins 5 Day Week Vacation With Pay Group Hospitalization IMMEDIATE OPENING OVERSEAS TRUCK DRIVER AND TRUCK HELPER Must be experienced sober and re liable 4 SEND ft by and be sun to best ths mechani cal deadlines EXPERIENCED Ase 19 to 44 2 MAIL ft to Times Herald Want Ads Times Herald Building 1317 St NW Washington 5 Use one of these convenient ways: COOK CAETERIA LAUNDRY foreman (white) expert fenced excellent autement Ade quate pareonnel OL 0754 (0 to 4h DEPARTMENT bureau of Publk SciledBi at the office of neer Bureau of CALL MR WOODWARD OR N1R WHITE Unusual Man Wanted CONSUMERS CREDIT 8513 Georgia Ave Silver Spring Md 3317 Rhode Island Ave Mt Rainer Md Steuart As Bro Inc 13th de Sts SE Imrn flnanotal Institution doini th nrrlOM ot a younx vetraa to linra Jnnatintlonnd credit work The man we want meet have Ideate and a dwir to ouoeeod MW hire a plaaslnf ptraonallty and own hlo own ear Many Ka pil boaaflta COUNTERMAN white mcpAppiy Premier Cafeteria 1337 Sherman Av NW 15 Excellent opportunity for an anressive honest and tella ble young man Voting man over 21 Penn position with national fi nance organization to train for a position Group insurance hospitali zation and retirement plan 40 hour week Goad salary to start Expenses paid MANAGEMENT TRAINEE LENDERS INC 2028 No Moore St Rosalyn Va SINGER SEWING MACHINE 1340 St NW Shops Inc AMOUS roa HAMBURGERS MANY EMPLOYMENT ADVANTAGES Tour Went Ad In Th Ttme AmM reaohea mor than auartor of a million reader In th mater Waihlnrton area larcoot circulation of any WaahlMton newepaper Mon readre moan mater rerelta PORTER and deed hour rood wares and meals Apply 126 IBth 8t SX XI TEACHERS Vm Adams Teachers Ar'cy Colorado Bg 14 XX 3936 Help Mm Extractor Min (Laundry) Coldrod 48 hr wook Liberal com pany beaefits Apply employment office WARDMAN PARK HOTEL 1T0 6 Woodley Rd NW It Commercial inance Co not a av MT RAINIER MD To begin immediately 5 day week An excellent opportunity for advance ment Apply 9 am to 1 pm NO PHONE CALLS APPLY PERSONNEL DEPT sixth floor White for banquet department Tull time employment rood work Ing conditions employe bonoflto after 3 months employment APPLY ITth ST EMPLOYMENT ORCK MAYLOWER HOTEL NECESSARY CAB ESSENTIAL TOTM2anNLroa NEW CAR URNISHED BONUS HOSPITALIZATION VACATION WITH PAY RETIREMENT PLAN Muet wUlinr to work herd for 1 Ten Held a Wit nee tee In NY Schueter Killing New York April 9 Ten longshoremen were secretly ar raigned today as material wit nesses in the slaying of salesman Arnold Schuster 24 who put the finger on bank robber Willie (The Actor) Sutton Brooklyn Judge Samuel Leibowitz or dered all held in high bail saying that might be In serious LOSTRAND CO ROCKVILLE 8111 ARCADE SUNSHINE 713 LAMONT ST NW 11 APPLY nt PERSON AM TO 4 PM MONDAY THRU SATURDAY Lord Baltimore ILLING STATIONS INC Kass Bldg 711 14th St NW OPENING ON ALL sh*tS APPLY NOW ERCO WORE IN LOCAL DAIRY PLANT APPLY DC PERSON Between 10 and 11 Men 253g to Are MW Boom 3Q SHOE SHINE BOY Steady Job Sod urnlnje Apply Ooldn iter 1343 New terk Are NW MELPAR InC Subsidiary of tho SEVERAL MEN WHITE APPLIANCE SALESMAN ai ls Mil raare MBKiuttoue Apply in person Western Auto Sup ply Co 3941 Minnesota Avo Ns lo cooks Ar 25 to 49 Kxp tn largo volumo restaurant or cafeteria Liberal pay policy mania and uniforma furnished paid vacationo and sick leave group insurance and pur ahaae dlacounta APPLY HOT BHOPPB9 INC Rm 200 1341 St NW 11 SALAD COUNTER MAN Cloned Sunday Irvine Reataurant Til 13th St NW JO YOUNG MAN with high achool education who writes a legible hand A lob with a future 3 day week! excel salary CALL WL 9200 ASK OR MR TUCKER 1 1 Bus Street Car Operators Ages 21 to 55 Average Earnings After Qualifying Over $75 Per Week No Experience Needed Paid While Learning STEADY WORK PAID VACATIONS SICK LEAVE CAPITAL TRANSIT CO Apply Monday Through riday 36th and Sts NW Take No 80 Rosslyn Car COUNTER MAN White xperlaed tot audwteh ehop 4 deye lie Night work Ap IY 1111 Good Mop 8 12 SALESMEN ULL AND PART TIME Sever! permuwut poeiUcnw open el XarthtMl end Vlrxlni tone Get In on the rround floor st nroTe eive rapidly rrowlnr orrenieetlon Excellent future lor rirht men Lib tral company benefit! Phono LI 9424 HECHINGER CO 15TH AND STS MB 12 AIRCRATT MECHANICS Ad under School a TnetruUe TEACH AIB INSTITUTE Muet thorouxhlx exerinoed on feet mil Gool lejery pertnennl poeltlon Sober depndebl men APPLY MANAGER Ambassador Hotel Grill 1404 St NW or made bar Hour 10 aun to 3 pm Odaya per weak Cloted on gundy Might achool aiudaM pre 17TH ST XJEoklNT OTTICX MAYLOWER HOTEL it Ail part time area and Sat to write renewal for No can vaMing Oar neceaaary Can earn 3W per wk Rm 424 Bond Bldg 10 80 to 40 yearn old Ip learn track palntinr with necaeaaryr DRIVERS or taxicaba If you do not hare an Identification card wo will teach you what la neeeMary See Ju Glenn at the SILTXR LEET office at 310 6th St NX LL 4 0370 Gas Station Attendant Exeelle1 werkinr condition: two men etetlon peid vecetlon: cloud Sundeye: hoepHelleetion: neponei bl men ere 30 45 with etetlon ex perience Selxry open Tell Church Moton PA 2400 564 North Week St (L Hwy) Telle Chunk 10 TYPIST wanted at once: under 25 Rapubll gaa National Committee 923 JANITOR CARETAKER COLORED lor largo apartment de velopment Knowledge of minor plamMag electrical and boating re pain Apt and nuary No children Good opportunity Pennanont poeb IREMAN Rpn drinkara room meal A rood 15 Wholeeala plumbing supply house Hish school education Good working conditions and 0orUntrtfor advancement: APPLY IN PERSON THOS SOMERVILLE CO 1ST AND STS NX Tho positions offered by an international firm in business more than years with over IJtOG out lets are only for men from 26 to 50 years of age itttereeted in SMQftty a chance of unlimited ad aneemont paid vacations family hospital benstite free retirement plan rood starting salary plus com mission when Qualified experience not necessary Transportatioa furoishsd Apply in Person MR TILLER LOST on April 5 4b tidrete to the Washington openinr day baaebal game dated April 15 Tickets were in enevolope or lostinthe nheaton area 50 reward Call TU ibOO 11 MIXED co*cker female black 4 moi old: vto Hower and Maple Aves Takoma Reward SL 0603 11 Do you want top pay 45 hour 5 day week paid vacation and holi days excellent working conditions In a brand new building with latest equipment rroup hospitalisation and many other benefits? If you are experienced on Chrysler prod ucts neo Mr unk' Suburban Mo tors Inc Dodgo Plyraouth 3421 Georgia Ave Sil Sprg Md 13 JANITOR Colored no children apartment furnished Apply in person Mr Stiefel? Leo Gardens 701 North Wayno St Arlington Opposite ort Myer 10 (rom Bureau of Vital Statistics) Birch Richard 30 817 Sheridan St Pr Geo Md Armstrong Harry 84 3937 Prospect St Ken Md Graul Alloe 83 1403 8 Carolina Ave SE Rungle George 83 3730 Upton St NW Gaynor Joseph 81 Soldiers Home Boteler Martha 79 3014 St NW Killeen Mary 78 3117 St NW Hanenner Clarence 75 4115 Silver Hill Rd Md Draper William 68 395 A St SE Beckelth Walter 84 US Soldiers Homs Scammel Robert 58 8805 Bladensburg Rd NX Cameron Ralph 55 IMO Kalorama Rd NW Winkler Marvin 38 Sti SE Cameron Vaugene 38 1830 Harvard NW Beckman Joan 21 880 St NW Woronoff Leo 81 Boston Mass Dennis 4 Vienna Va Robinson Emma 89 1734 Willard NW Campbell Willie 80 1547 Columbia NW Hoimeo Martha 74 351? Tenth St NW Lea Mallnda 70 4704 Jay 8t NB Goldman Martha 45 109 Quincy PL NE Lewis 63 3309 Eleventh NW Craft Albert 43 989 Keefer PL NW Newman Lucille 0 1320 Twelfth NW Mclntosch Henry 74 1005 St NW Barnes Ida 58 1731 Eighth St NW Hunter Oslo 58 705 St NW Twoelk Wllltem 51 810 rith St NW Carroll Viola 48 Elkton Md Brady Robert 4 1518 Independence Ave NE SALESMEN Earn 150 par wwk xprlnl cook' picture and ether door to door Till 1 new item Wta every home Terme tew oOc down 50c per week Apply AliTATB HOME EqnWMBNT CO 2117 St NW 10 HELP US TO CLOSE THESE LIVE LEADS Salsmn are urgently needed to help sell thoujands of in quirlei wanting additional Information on Acousticon's Revo lutionary Electronic Hearing Aids You will sell only qualified prospects and will be givan a long frash list waekly No canvassing or lost motion her If you ar a specialty salesman and are accustomed to earnings of $1 50 weekly or more we ar interested Unless these qualification ar met pleas do not apply 5 days intensive factory training our expense starts you in this lucrative field as a master Acoustician you are among th highest paid professional commission salesmen in America Thera are tens of thousands of hard of hearing people right her in Washington who we can sell with your help INTERVIEWS THURSDAY 10 AMte 3 PM Mr HaKdrn 710 14th St NW Room 508 dim feoSTTwo WaThUwu and Approach Grading Tna approximate quantities of the moro important items are: 26590 cu yd Exeava Rinimum wars rates haya been fixed as required ny law Plans spsdn cations and proposal forma gra pyaii abie upon roauest at the addreae riron above flpelman Diviiion SiulZ Ltl IH Marriage Licenee Applicatione Tho following marriago licenses were Applied for yesterday in District court: Chester Blows Jr 85 1818 Vermont NW gad Alica Da Muttso 35 1805 Newton St NW Coaten Bennett 1 1 Canal St SW and Dolores Johnson IT 81 Canal St 8W Charles Williams 33 1380 Twelfth St NW and Delores Jones 31 847 St Barry Soholtes 38 Shamokin Pa and Bstty Dlahner 19 417 Seventeenth St NE Arthur Patrick 38 3911 Adams Mill Rd NW and Betty White 20 191 Kalorama Rd NW Jacques Tangy 21 2333 Sixteenth St SE and Antoniotta BerardlnellL 30 8419 Quesada St NW George Mackie 18 429 St 8W and Alma Reed 19 333 Pl BW Eugene Kinney 26 Mt Rainier Md and Patricia Wynne 23 Brookeville Md James Davis 39 818 Otis PL NW and Mary Johnson 40 813 Otis Pl NW Ralph Hall 24 LyAntield Mau and Maryclare Lingenfelter 28 3333 St 8E Edward Hart 28 Pittston Pa and Regina Morrow 3 Pittston Pa Wallace Smith Jr 35 5039 Sheriff Rd NE and Pearls Price 30 5938 Sheriff Rd NE James Spindle 43 Loretto VaH and Mario Cole 89 Mt Rainier Md Lawrence Gaseh 84 1820 Monroe St NE and Jean Tingley 21 3511 St NW Donald Perritt 31 818'New Hamp shire Ave NW and Irma rasier 18 1133 Twonty fourth St NW John Cochran 22 Tallmadge Ohio and rances Colby 19 1880 8t NW Jesse Simmons 28 Los Angeles Calif and Gwendolyn Greene 28 Chicago HL Jooeph Zita 31 Stafford Va and Velma Boswell 19 Stafford Va Raleigh Dixon 37 1310 Sixteenth St NW and Alice Cappa 28 1810 Six teenth 8U NW James Rosa 31 Huntington va and ern Easley 19 3495 Holmead Pl NW Ralph Cantwoll 33 1208 Sixth St BW and Jeanette Vasques 30 315 Eighteenth Pl NE Ralph Loonbergor 83 3596 Twepty fourth St NE and Doris Stevens 31 3517 Twenty fourth St NE Elmer Bostick 1817 St NW and Ida Postoil 47 1417 SSL NW Robert Smith 19 4503 Blue PUInj Dr BW and Dorothy Johnston 34 lie ifteenth St SE Paul Nestor 81 487 MvOBtib St SE end Barbara Vleth 18 1948 Naylor Roger Dunlap 21 TMtiladelphte and Helen Parrish 17 2409 Cap Herbert Little Jr 29 325 Ave NE and Ella Thomas 33 1380 lorida Ave NW Loo CarpeV 44 741 BeniUt St NW and Helen 87 3139 Wiscon "kiSh Stetellte 24 4400 Hrrteon st NW and Nancy Buehl 38 804 Quacken finite NHayfln 22 ftnd Shirley Saundr SI 14 rrry nitetort Md Baty Chrltte SO Af) VS Robert Devi 51 Allentown Pe Mxrxeret Conway OS end Hilary rteane Dianna Bonder SO 11 Park BiUy Stephen SO Mineral Walla Tex and Leona Mehoves 18 205 Swett SI and Ethel Harett S4 412 Jama Peeler S7 07 Galveatoh St SWo and Gaetano Arata 30 67 Galveeton St SW SERVICE atation attendant white TTr PORTERS Colored for large apartment devel opment Steady work rood pay Ap ply manager 5424 Tulane Dr West HygtteviUe Md WA 3877 12 PRESSERS for dnr elanlnc plant 50 for 45 hour weak 150 per hrover it hra Sanitary Cleanere 2920 lth St NW PURCHAKNO AGENT and di patehr for lumber yard Only ex porienoed men need apply Write etattnc qualttleatlona Bos 61 ear llmae Herald recapping Colored experienced ood eatery Cuehman Salto A Service 11 Moor Arlinrton Va A 6 7SSS ri TRUCK AND TRACTOR drtver free to travel wanted Lone huod Ap ply Jiunaa (tratae Ibowe elrrue aroundeBennlnrB4NE 11 Some eewiug machine ex perience preferred but notMeuli al: inside and out side work Car neceeaary Permanent SEE MR WYSB BOND VACUUM STORM 610 9TB IT MW EMMETT LEO SHEEHAN Atty 1333 St NW UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the District of Civil Action No 1512 '52 In re: applica tion of John Ruppert Gelner an in fant by lorence Caspar his mother and next friend for change of name John Ruppert Gainer an infant by lorence I Caspar his mother and next friend having filed a complaint tor a judgment chang ing his name to John Ruppert Cas par and having applied to the court for an order of publication of the notice required by law in auch cases it is by the court this Sth day of April 1952 ordered that all persona concerned show cause If any there be on or before the 3rd day of May 1962 why the prayers of said com plaint should not be granted: Pro vided that a copy of this order be published once a week for three con secutive weeks before said day in the Washington Times Herald and The Washington Law Reporter WALTER BASTIAN Judge A true copy (Seal) Trot: HARRY HULL Clerk by ELLA McDONALD Deptfly Clerk AprillO 1724 LMt SALESMEN rULL OK 'PART TIMB Nattenel orntetlon oplnc tor oalemn for Inter Un work In eport field Good tutur Bxporl nc not manual SEX MR CROWLEY HAWTHORNE HOTEL 3184 St NW Between 7 9 pm 13 SALESMAN Two mn to call on inauirlM tor bopltalteollon Ina No eurualnr Quality le4 turnlri! dally (not fut name oad oddreo Our man avrxr 150 wtokly Ou noMry Al two mon for nearby Va and Md Sea 1 Harrla between and 1 noon 170 Columbia Bd NW AD 3045 Liberal wan eeal baaed on US Government coet of llvinr index eeouno wen in ratio to llvinr eoet Yearly bomta Raid vacation Opportunity tor advaacment Ina urane plana available Company operated ChrloUnae Savinn Club forty location may Erovida work lourme AffLY BETWEEN 11 AJi AND 1 NOON MOO GIORGIA AVE MW OB CALL GE 28S DURING SAMI MOVRS OR APPOINTMENT Little Tavern Apply in Person American inance Co excellent starting SALARY AND COMMISSION Large finsnei instil lion estebnahed 117 years will pay salary and com mission to man between the ages of 26 and 40 Must be Interested in a permanent buainese where year and more with a liberal rsUremenl income inest training program with future opportunity for managerial or executive ad vancement Should be a hard worker ambitious intelligent who it diaeatia fied in his present position If you are this man write fully giving are family status pact experience and other pertinent informa tion to: Box 21 Times Herald uyx Jewel Tea Co Inc will Har aa oppor ulnlty to two man that have amMUon to Improv thair aarnlan aalUnr load producta and houaahold appliance 16 rainier aetab liabad cutomen We fur nteh car and maintenance cote Guaranteed alary80 per week pine eommla eloB retirement plan hoe pitaibiaUon Untyanoe aad vacation with Mr BeoulHmente are: 15 to 40 rood health and nod niarenMe and can furnlah email caah bond Tor com Apply8olTnklln' St NE OR PHONE HO S71S ASK OR MR MANN iRUCK DRIVZB white: toady work steady advancement 3746 10th St NE 14 GAS ISLAND sh*t OREMEN HELPERS Several dependable men nt some of our branch locations Po sition offer good starting salary A many co benefits APPLY MR NEWCITY CALL CARL INC lt ST NW 12 Ltam in Week wsa Guaranteed Complete Oonrao 14M NW LEARN TYPING $5 A MONTHuraatead Complete Oouna toe One Law Bednaara oe Bruhn Oouree 140 MW MM to Nlp Wo now have a permanent opening for assistant man ager trainee One who is interested in making the consumers finance business a career Man selected must be able to moot th public Paet employment back ground will be thoroughly checked Only those who are interested to a career Birthe ITrom DC Bureau of tit! StatliUcal MALn Akaan Pakaln and atima isuierbauph gfierl Bivto William end Mary CUrK JoaoBk n4JMutW Calabraae Carl and Aurlla Coe Norman and Anna Clune Martin and CurkendalU Glenn and Dorothy Crowe Jpaph and Batty Dlx Wllflam and Mary Drr Charlea and Dorothy Druhan William and Ruth Dobeaon Hurh and Betty yinucane Jama and Klyo Durrett Robert and Miriam tedette Raymond and ranet ollln Wllaon and Mary Gray John and Hlan Goldman Thomae and Tjuntfe Halliday Richard aad Lola Guay Raymond and Ruin Harrlaon Hlbert and Jeannotte Harrlaon Everett and Bhylll Kelnaaka Lawrno and Jeanette Hearner Wllllam and Glady Kotyfc' John and Mary Knoblauxh Homr and Ernatina Laving CharlMi and Margaret Daraon John and Beatrice Morrle Bunu1 and Margaret Mcadden Robert and Lleaa Parkhurst Lelsnd ana Martha Obert Albert nd ThSlmtu gchlickman Eugene and Margaret Rafferty John and Beatrice Smith Howard and Sarah Sell Dtmald and Mary Stanley Ira and Mlldroa Bpain Herbert and Carolyn Thomas Theodore and Virginia Still Robert and Jacqueline White Robert and Winifred Van been Adrianus and Aleida Wolfe Sidney and Mindel Yarmolinky Adam and Harriet Zimmerman Harry and Alice Adams Joseph and Angela Cheeks Albert and Omie Lewis Cleney and Margaret Reeder William and Maria Wood Gleason and Potri Brown Charles and Christine Cook Lawrence and Helen Mon Bing had Mee Washington James and Coleen EMALE Alaoglu Leon and Cleo Boerscltlein Erwin and Eleanor Callaghan William and Ellen Carr James and Dorothy Chaoonas Theodore and Mary Cherst John and Jeannine Cmirtuer Jack and Constance Craven rancis and Alloe Crean Robert and Catherine Curtis Charles and 'Dorothy Donovan William and Adeline eimster Maurice and Algie Griffith Charles and lorence Healy John and Dolores Henderson John and Rita Hennigan Patrick and Mary Kirby Homer and Margie Lohman John and Edith Moran Arthur and Joy Moreland William and Janet Neldermayer Harry aL Pearl Norton Raymond and Rita O'Connor Thomas and lorence Payne James and Virginia Pender Joseph and Mary Robinson Philip and Jacqueline Sweated Lloyd and Jane Shepherd Lloyd and Juanita Smith Donald and Mary Somers Bernard and Wynn Spielman Anthony and Jean Swann Richard and rank! (twins) Trail James and Ruth Veal Reese and Evelyn Watson Leaeon and Isabelle Brown Andrew and 'Gertrude Gamble Jabeg and Melba Mack Clarence and Janie £lng Yee and Ng Thomas Benjamin and Mary Butler Percy and Ophelia Jones Philip and Alice Seldon William and Joan Spriggs Raymond and Shirley Washington Wetherail and Margaret Deathe INVESTIGATOR COLLECTOR National small loan organisa tion has opening for young man Permanent poeltlon paid hoepltalisatlon vacation and Insurance Apply in person LIBERTY LOAN CORP 2407 Rrry 81 Mt Rainier Md Janitor colored nw apt buiid inr Good aalarr lari quarter In tarvtowa to 12 no NA 0552 SHOBMRMB COOL whit alj roua4 xswtene nlxbu Excat lent pay TMInl Grill 1 Hwy Bellevilla Md TO 55 15 SORTERS for Enon assorting dept One full time one part time pm to 7 pm References required APPlr to Mr Porterfield bet 9 em and 4 pm National Laundry Ce Ina Bl Pierce It HW 11 WfettA food preparation in large indus trial cafeteria Capable of assum ing eharge of kitchen and super vising help Excellent opportunity for advancement with an expand ing organisation APPLY IN PERSON Bet 9 am and 6 pm WEEK DAYS SATURDAY UNTIL 1 Cleave ood Service Inc 8918 Ga Ave Silver Spring Md JI? M132 19 MACHINE OPERATORS JOB DAY AND NIGHT sh*tS MAN Colored to work and run hotel route Muet have a permit Apply Waehlnrten Luodrr 2627 SU NW 15 MAN with knowledxe oi braakln down beef: 40 hour week Applr Mr Pearce Armour 4 Co 501 12th St SW MEAT CUTTER Experienced and sober Steady worker Good pay ood Mart 417 8t NW 11 LOOR SCRAPERS and JINISH1M exprlnoed only with hand tool250 an hour Apply on houelns project al quantic Mo helper Ak tor Smiley Kink 11 Colored Muet be thorouxhly exerl enced neat appawanc Able to work from 8 pm to Am APPLY HOSTESS Ambassador Hotel Grill 14th and Ste NW 11 CAB DRIVERS (COLORED? ai CABS Dr YOU DO NOT BCn mENTDriOATIOM CARD ATTEND OUR TAXI SCBOOL' AP PLUMBER white lint claaa iob blog man with per mit Steady work good eatery Lu 4 5455 10 PLUMBER for new suburban house work in Maryland Must havs car and journeyman license Phone WA 6030 7:30 am to 5:30 pm 10 PORTER Permanent position dood pay SHOE STORES 14th A Ste HW 13 ARTI8T experienced with lay out and pictorial work Apply in per son to Mr Garrett Burroughs Sign fc Display Co 8403 Balt Blvd College Park Md 18 Engineering and Besoarch Cop Riverdale Md WA 4444 Interviews Mm Bat 8 1 10 MAIL CLERK White neat appearance we 25 to5 hotel front deek experience help lut Muet be able to work 7 am pm one weak and om to pjn follnwlnx week Per manent poeltlon with employe bene iETspo1' MAYLOWER HOTEL Conn Ave and DaSalee St Hb MH MEN COLORED Experienced to point np brick Ao St? 1214 ijj MATURED MAN 60 70 16 aaaW publ lor Urht aalea work hr daily About 55 wkly No car or exp nee Able to etart at once Apply 10 a pak Rm 70 710 14th 4U NW OPERATORS (White! tor dupUcattar aMkftH with or without experience Salary open Excellent opportunity pjrma neat petition five day week Inter view S1S0 to 1 and 10 to 4 Innin appointments poadble ar rawed in advance Apply to peeeon PERSONNEL orrtci Ntttonal Cteomphto Society Sd and Ste NE 15 BEST 4 CO box and envelope eon talnlnr clothlnx lost from oar leavinr parklnr lot on Conn Aw opposite Best's or on Conn Ave eouth to Tilden or west oa Til den Wednes afternoon Please re turn to otfloe at Reward Or call ML 0115 Ext 1 11 DOG small black and white spotted loot near 12th and NW Bawart Call JO 2228 after 7 pm 10 co*ckER SPANIEL black with white marklnra lost In via of Wil eton Apte Talla Church Anewere to name of Damlt Bow JN S51S 10 1ACHSHQND dark brown male: in Bethead area Reward OL 193V (1) Tborouxh trainlnr for branch manarenimp () ree Ute and hospital uatlon ineuraaee Ttoc Mck leave (4) Paid vacations (5) Annual bonua at (0) for your use Aaafln S1m will bs sold at DubUe auction by a licensed auctioneer at Lenox Motors il m4 rpMl Hlp Mn ABBEY PERSONNEL EleatrieaL estimator 88100 Bkpr aeota 43409 lookktcpsr 43190 killing eterk typtet 88100 Office stock up Grocery stock elorkg Duplicating machine oprs 3800 Cooke A counter top pay Hotel eterks 88000 Lab technicians 3000 up MaehlnlatA Ist ld cU to 4100 Patent droftemen to 14800 Maint engr 44800 Portrait protog Sales mgr oil furan 89004 8alss managerial 85300 Bales office up MANY OTHER EXCL POSITIONS 800 14th St NW ST 0190 CARPENTER or genera! hotel maintenance work This to a year round job Inside work Employe benefits after 5 months employment APPLY ITTH ST EMPLOYMENT OICE MAYLOWER HOTEL CAR WASHER cplored hut bo ex peneneed in lubrication pennaaent lob for right inan Apply Ken's Gulf Station 2300 Penna Ave Be 11 AND POLISHER STEADY WORK CALVERT MOTORS AUTO LAUNDRY 110 EAST WEST HIGHWAY SILVER SPRING MD CAR WASHER Must hare permit Houin 8 am to pm Apply per sonnel CARITZ 1404 BY 11 CHE expr SlOO wk baker and Helpers $75 880 wk Asst Chefs salary open Seo Mbs ox Person nel Service 1311 St NW NA 2115 CUEANINb SUPERVISOR" Experienced for large office bldg Applicants must bo under 50 years of are abto to furnish good refer ences as to ability sobriety charac CLERK RECORD $2860 Gon Employ 1013 15th St NW ABLE MEN BALES OPENINGS Wo have a teno listing of Jr and Sr sales openings ranging from $250 mo io S600 mo OICE POSITIONS CSaATMS ADJUSTER (Col grad plus 3 yrs Iaw) UHMiOO mo SECY to general mgr $3600 yr PAY ROLL SUPV 8T5 43S mo STATISTICAL CLK No typing mo ANALYST (Anatomy mjr mor phology reoeareh) me JR BOOKKEEPE1L484M830 mo STENOGRAPHER (RR) 8388 mo CHIE CLERK (Country Club) Salary plus room and board CLEBK (country club) 12 pm 6 am Jatery4 room Aboard JR VNDERWBnjfto(ln() WAREHOUSEMAN 142 mo National EmpL Serv 101 15TH ST NW Accountant Jr Young man for credit and collection department Splendid opportunity with progressive rapidly growing firm Accounting night student preferred Company benefits Phone LL 7 9434 HECHINGER CO 15TH A STB NE 14 Single men preferred Stood? teb record uid good ref reqmrea National Empl Serv 101 15TH ST MW 11 PAINTERS 11 cleee Report la 11 Kennedy Dr Kenwood Md CAB DRIVERS white with good nseorde owtv1952 Pbranordh Pre mier cabs Best rsntal or oato deal in oily Investigate Call Staley Wilson AD 1500 or LI 7 9464 10 CARPENTERS (10) Bough work Bring tools THt Ave left on Old Georgetown Rd to Bolte viUe left to Georgetown Village Bethesda Mr Perry 10 13 BARBER WANTED Steady work 75 Millard's Barber Shop Marl boro Md Call Marlboro 3635 11 16 DRIVER SALESMAN for local bwr distributor: must have DC driver's permit excel working eoad with good salary while teaming: 5 day week and all legal holidays Apply in person at 901 Evarts Bt NE 10 am until noon No phone calls 11 t) AY' Colored man to run cleaning room exp or inexo Good job for right man Capitol Laundry 18 8t SW LI 3 5451 ELECTRICIANS2 or general clerical duties in indus trial fuel oil delivery and burner service office located in SB Wash MR BAKER APPOINTMENT YOUNG MEN 11 20 35 Vets preferred No exper ience necessary Earn $15 dally and more Muet bo neat and ag greeetve Apply tn person 1028 Vermont Avo NW Suite 701 9 am 11 Km lo i Wii Wti ABBEY PERSONNEL Seoy Cap wm up Seey legal 89999 Soo 1 glrt ofo 88909 Btenog typiet Hyattsville up Bkprs manual and machZloO 875 Bkkpr aeat reov MO Jr Bkkpr eomo TyplsUL many to 84 Receptionist some typings 4 5 up Clorke no typing up ood checker groc and cafe8339 Cashier many 449 up PBX oprs typists Lab technicians up Lab tech up Nurses grad 4 pay High school up ountain and counter girla 415 up Waitresses Avg 840 876 MANY OTHER EXC POSITIONS 609 14th 8t NW ST QUO ATLAS AGENCY NEEDS 8ECY9 AND 9TENOG9 Admin secy history major exp research and writing 400 Admin secy stenog (legal) $325 Secy dir public $300 Seey etenog embassy British subject $260 tax free Secy airline M00 Stenog legal $65 plus Stenogs beginners st at 100 Sttnog to aqr media $60 BKPRS AND A8ST8 Bkprs Mveral positions $65 to 75 Asst bkprs Payroll supv exp M5 Bkpg mjch oprsy several MO CLERKS AND TtPISTS Typists govt forms (rapid) Ediphone opr igs corp 1280 Clerk typists several excellent positions $65 PBX typist SE 55 Typist learn adv copywriting $45 Clerk typists (20) OfiERofriCE vol Reservation clerk (teletype) $85 Sales art matenato 65 Bank tellers will train $2000 Cashiers light typing (school) 400 Dental Mat BJt oprs under 40 M5 iling and coding $190 ATLAS jlEl 5767 1420 NW km 506 Blue Print Operator Must be experienced COLORED SAIXSHeN AND WOMEN Earn $10 per day while training Must be neat Reference over $1 Call CO 6006 10 COUNTER AND OUNTAIN HELP No experience necessary Excellent earnings meals and uniforms fur nished paid vacations purchase die count and other worthwhile cm GLAZEBROOKS HOWARD 2520 ST NW EX 8924 11 (Cont on Next Page) WOOL PRESSER Must be experienced Good salary: good working conditions vacation with pay Bergmann's Laundry 023 St NW Apply Mr May 11 WOOL PRESSER KITCHEN HELERS 5 day week LEEDS EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 930 ST NW ST 7890 LUBRICATION MAN permit and local ref erences required Starting salary $65 per week Apply Sinclair Service tion 10th and Sts NW 15 ield Representative or progressive expanding finance company No experienoe necessary auto required good atarting salary plus car allowance See MR JONES Allied inance Corp05 GkwU Ata Utw Sprint 16 MECHANICS (3) lop eatery Call TA 5900 18 MEN COLORED to set pins Good pay good tips get paid every Bight: no experience necessary wo teach you Apply ready to work at Anacostla Spill way Bowling Center 2004 Nichols Ave SBm bef 1 agtd 4 40 pm 11 MEN part time evee and SetZ for sales ssrvtoo dept About hr Expr and ear not nee Apply 5 6:30 Experienced 5 Mi day week: good pay Apply person ULMAN CLEANERS 5618 Connecticut Ave NW 16 TELEPHONE CABLE SPLICERS Immediate work for experienced telephone splicers in Pennsylvania and Ohio Write or telephone collect VriW Pennsylvania 11 TRAVEL Ynj mn (3) IMS tno to trT1 (o COIL ud return (cira Mite) Auto turn xpnM MlT'nud Comm wd bonn Mut nat and tno to lero on abort notice MR JONES Potomac Hotel 18th A Ste NW 10 to 1 anu 7 to pm Don't phono 11 TRUCK DRIVER White married man bet 25 30 ref erences required must have been reeident of for at least one year for local deliveries Steady year around work: highest wages Apply Mr Parker 1309 irst St SE from 8 am to 6 phu 10 GARAGE ATTENDANT white new garage Good working conds Call Mr Nelson AD 5557 between 8 am and 4 pm 16 GARAGE MANAGER whit In now garage Good working conds Call Mr Nelson AD 5557 between 8 am and 4 tfm 10 GA8 STATION shJlt manager' Im med opening foiwknidnlght shift SteMyiporitioov MMlaryw Atrly Mr Wilson Dupont Circle Service Center Ino Conxu AVe and St NW GAS STATION ATTENDANT no experience necessary Apply Hillwood Motor COm 7 Corners rails Churchy AUTO MECHANICS (2) 865 par Weak mar 50 50 eom mlteton baaia WILLS INC Dodn Doalar Annandale Va Apply in loreon to Mr White TB 7300 11 AUTO MECHANICS tor Yard dealer Compenutlon aalair baala modern lacillUte plenty of trark paid va cation hwpitauidloa eta Saa Mr Thomaa Erwin ord (X Banta 211 35 Talrfaz Ya 11 AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC meal (lent woritinr condition Good aalanr plua commlaeion Vacation with pax a 4 Veterans Young Men 18 to 38 Travel Calif Texan for nat'l known circulation co Car turn Expenses advanced Average to 8IS wkly Must be neat See Mr Hernandes Hotel Rooeevelt 19 to 13 or 7 to 9 13 WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIR ESTIMATOR for Arlington's leading Jewelrybshop Immediate opening offering good starting income advancement upon qualification paid vacation insur ance and hospitalisation Excellent opportunity for capable producer Apply in person to Mr Wilhite 3018 Wilson Blvd Arlington Va 15 WATCHMAN for automobda' con earn Job suitable for retired or pen sioned man Excel salary and work ing condu 7 days a week Apply in Barton Herson Auto A Appliance 7i4 8t NW 12 WELDERS oxygen acetylene $2 an hour GL 4400 Ext 815 11 WRITE COLLAR PART TIME EXCELLENT WORKING CONDI TIONS (CAB) 9 EVENINGS PER WEEK Earn 850 and up or in formation call NO 6546 Mr Owen 14 CAXX BAKEIVS HELER to DISHWASHER Claaad Sunday Irvin Kiturent Til 13th St NW 1 DISHWASHERS gTjathi DRIVER mcary dallvary: rio Pax Ste aar waak: larra upar market Lte Super Market 2233 No Perehlnr Dr Arllniton Va 10 Permanent poeltlon 3 dan a week Typlnr and complete charac ot ren eral bookktepinr up throurh trial appointment BOYS VETS 18 26 me to trar1 Sir Grande Valier on puMtekere renewal tour Auto turn Xxpanaoe adaanced Avar ate to tit wk plue bonua Muet be neat ambitloua 8 Mre Tan ner 4 to I pm SooMVelt Hotel Don't phone IP BRANCH Sale Mar Sale Dept Co within 0 dan Oppor 8000 tiretrr Mual manUd neat appear HS aduc Sal bonua and oomm Apply Mr Tonnr Rm 70S 710 14th St NW 11 3 pm BRICKLAYER WHTTB mechanic only Call LI 3 8030 alter 0 pjn BRICKLAYERS union New Com prehniire Hiah School Middletown Delaware 13 BRICKLAYER WHITE Open chop Larteet iob In metropoli tan area South Shirley Highway to Praneonla overpaM riaht to Beu Lick Rd riaht to Job at SpNyr ield Va IS BUS BOt exor Houre 6:15 pm to 0:15 pun: Sunday 1 :15 cm to fii? 8 0 pm BUSBOY (LUNCH) or lunch period 1 noon to 3 pm 1700 St NW 15 PASTRY COOK White Bcmsnna with sxpsrlsncs on piss and cakoa ull time em ployment good salary and meal employe benefits after 3 months employment APPLY 17th ST EMPLOYMENT OICE MAYLOWER HOTEL PHOTOGRAPHER houae to hqute equip lurnlancd percent LO 3 8841 16 ASSISTANT NIGHT AUDITOR Are S3 to 40 Hour 11 pm to or accounting Background pecea ary Employe benefits after three months employment APPLY PERSONNEL OICE MAYLOWER HOTEL Conn Ara and Dtf Me St ATLAS AGENCY NEEDS ACCT AND BKPRB Comptroller ofc mgr 999r public nan Pay roll UpV tea $100 Bkpr (foods) Ari 76 to 86 Acct trado assn NWJ336up 8eml er acct for CJL 8369 up Bkpr afternoon 86 wk Jr accta (CPA) student 176 to 309 Posting clerk NE 60 OC TECH POSITIONS Sngrg mech and elec4906 toff 606 Sales rspr mech backgnd av10000 Draftsmen all to 136 Detail man moL av to 9000 Shipping rec elk exp 76 Cleric typist NW Shipping Clerk NE 6Q Sales clerk sin I486 NY 4VE NW RM 06 AUTO MECHANIC WOOL PRESSERS $50 week Apply Century Valet 633 St NW 11 WOOL PRESSXfc experienced only Piocework Laundry 18 YOUNG MAN18 is draft exempt to work in a clerical capacity in our home office Splendid opportunity if you have tmbition and are looking for a position where you can work your way up 5 day 37 hour week Apply Personnel Office Equitable Life Insurance Co 818 14th 81 NW 11 PAINTER exper sober: car et sential colored conalderecL Apply 4909 St Elmo Ave Betheeda Md after 5 pm PAINTERS to work in Arlington Can after 5 pm KI 9 8833 10 PARKING ATTEND Oyr it yra Exprlno remitred Apply parkin lot lllh A (tn NW 18 Parkin Lot Attendant Night duty Apply 34 st NW PARTS MANAGER Must bo orDwlonred A lob with ASK OR MR TUCKER 11ARt TIlriE MAN with ear neat ap poarance to train for sales work with largo manufacturing co No canvassing Earnings after first 3 weeks training around $60 wkly Must be willing to work 20 25 hrs per wk eves and week ends Posi tion can develop into full time op portunity Phone LI 8 5326 7 9 pjn for appointment only 10 Utehced for eteadw ycar around old work Interview by appointment only Northeast Elee tric CO Ar 3OO0 16 Elec Estimator to $125 Indust Comm exp Car nec ATLAS ACCT 1430 NT Av NW ELEVATOR OPERATOR (White) are 18 40 Parmansnt po itloh Muit abl to work 7 am to 3:30 pm on weok and 3:30 pm to 12 th lollowm wk Employ bmMflta utor 3 month employ APPtY 17TH0JT cgMPLOTMENT MAYLOWER HOTEL ELEVATOR OPER COLORED for downtown APT BLDG Retired or middle age man 3928 12 CLERICAL ASST Position open for stock elerk 1n our air conditioning eorriee dept Phone Mr Clarke Griffith Con sumer Co MB 4840 ext 319 for appointment 10 COLORED MEN Wool pi Spotten readre cham Miril Shlpplur elic khowtedir Pitney Bwe machlnte Hoapltu attendant trade driv are honwmoi dwt tooaalarlaa NATIONAL EMPL SRV 110 7TH ST NW COLORED WORXtRS House men $140 4 exo tips Janitors and hall men $185 up Cooks Waiters and buaboya 110 4 exc tips Shine boys and locker attds $115 up Diehwashers and kjt help $30 up Engrs Sth A 7th glass $8400 up Tire changers and carwash $40 up Wool spotters and $50 up Extractors laundry $ao up Porter drivers $40 up MANY ALL KINDS ABBEY PERSONNEL 609 14th NW CONTACT MEN white' for lure wholesale distributor Excellent op portunity good pay 5 day wek Apply 1121 5th 8t NW 10 imp Serr 711 Sth Drivers porters $35 4 tips Kitchen help colored (4) live in 82750 Dishwashers colored uSSO SSS COOK well experienced for small restaurant one man kitchen Call after 2 pmX HO 9876 lor appoint ment 11 10 SERVICE STATION MEN We have openings for good men in our training program Age 11 36 Our program ahoold appeal to those men who are interested in operating their own service station Salary and bonus during training period Good future for ambitious men Interested ia beeomlng serv ice station operators Apply la per eon only SUN OIL CO 4940 Conn Avo NW or 3141 Benning Rd NN 1 ME AND tdrr drear uA dlklre PARAKEtT rrren bluk Mid rellow trim Aw to Peter: vic Kent Vil Md Itewyd WA 8772 12 OCKETBOOK black lost In Grey lounq bue etetlon AP 210 16 TERRIER Weet Hlkhltnd white male: vicinity Dupont Circle Mon day 4 pm aO 3518 Havard 15 WALLET red leather loet There April 3 Only interested in papere Reward DE 6400 Ext 717 10 WALLET brown and white at Jamee Strata ehow tent on Ben ni nr Bd Contain valuable paper and money Keep money return papere Reward OV 4206 or TE 7 400 eat 24 io WATCH diamond eat white red Waltham Reward BE 4054 A Oltcft' 19 Wedding band (plain) and diamond rlnr In phon booth) vie 13th and NW Reward EB 4041 10 fsrsrnl CT'frvyLU GUITAR PLAYER (eteetric etroight) desires weekend booking slo one or two nights a week Hilly billy or il MEXICAN LAWWEB reg eon gutete AH Mcxteaa total matters ixnmig Edmundo CMtlllo 280 Broadway New York 7 NY lhl i lstriBtiir BE A PBX EXPERT TOP TRAIN ING 131 St NW XA 414 CLAMEI NOW ORMING AIRCRAT MECHANICS TEACH AIR INSTnUTE NATU AIRPORT HANGAR 1 EK MdbiWrkADrtMG In breuty ent tore all subjects taught day eve classes WARLTNN BEAUTT COLLEGE 1210 MW DL 1762 $0 ritxw.

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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.