W Finance Groupe Primonial - Sicavonline (2024)

W Finance Groupe Primonial - Sicavonline (1)Le Groupe Primonial est le premier groupe indépendant de conception, de gestion et de conseil en solutions de placements en France.

Au sein du Groupe Primonial, W Finance Groupe Primonial a pour vocation de construire, protéger et valoriser le patrimoine de ses clients, au travers d'une large gamme de produits et d'un service de proximité assuré par une équipe de plus de 500 professionnels présente sur toute la France.

Avec plus de 5,3 milliards d'euros gérés ou conseillés pour le compte de 40 000 clients, la société est détenue pour une part significative par ses dirigeants.

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W Finance Groupe Primonial - Sicavonline (38)

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Mention CNIL et informations sur la protection des données personnelles W Finance Groupe Primonial - Sicavonline (39)

I'm an expert in financial services and investment, with a strong focus on the French market. My expertise is backed by years of experience and a deep understanding of the industry. I have a comprehensive knowledge of various investment products, financial management, and advisory services. My ability to navigate and analyze complex financial structures positions me as a reliable source for information and guidance.

Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the provided text related to Le Groupe Primonial:

  1. Le Groupe Primonial: It is introduced as the leading independent group in France for the conception, management, and advisory services in investment solutions. The group is dedicated to constructing, protecting, and enhancing the wealth of its clients through a wide range of products and a team of over 500 professionals across France.

  2. W Finance Groupe Primonial: This is specified as a part of Le Groupe Primonial, with the purpose of building, protecting, and enhancing the wealth of clients. It emphasizes a broad product range and proximity services provided by a large professional team.

  3. Total Assets Managed or Advised: The text mentions that W Finance Groupe Primonial manages or advises over 5.3 billion euros for around 40,000 clients. This indicates the scale of their operations and the significant financial responsibility they handle.

  4. Ownership Structure: The text notes that a significant part of the company is owned by its directors, highlighting a sense of commitment and alignment of interests between the leadership and the company's success.

  5. Geographical Presence: The presence of a professional team of over 500 individuals throughout France underscores the company's commitment to providing localized and personalized services to its clients.

  6. Multiselect Interface: The article contains JavaScript code related to a multiselect interface. This suggests that the company may utilize a web-based platform with a filtering system, allowing users to select multiple options simultaneously for various criteria, potentially for investment products.

  7. Risk and Performance Metrics: The code includes functions related to resetting and reinitiating risk and performance metrics, indicating a focus on providing comprehensive information to clients regarding the risk and performance of investment products.

  8. Data Table and Download Options: The presence of DataTables, Excel download buttons, and related functionalities in the code suggests that the company offers a user-friendly and data-rich platform, allowing clients to access, analyze, and download detailed information about investment products.

  9. Responsive Design: The code includes responsive design elements, ensuring that the platform is accessible and functional across different device sizes, reflecting a commitment to user experience.

  10. Privacy and Data Protection: The mention of "Mention CNIL et informations sur la protection des données personnelles" indicates a focus on adhering to privacy regulations and protecting clients' personal data, aligning with standard practices in the financial industry.

In conclusion, the provided text introduces Le Groupe Primonial and its subsidiary W Finance Groupe Primonial, highlighting their commitment to providing a diverse range of financial products and services, managing substantial assets, and emphasizing a strong presence throughout France. Additionally, the presence of code related to a multiselect interface, risk and performance metrics, and data tables suggests a technologically advanced platform for clients. The commitment to privacy and data protection aligns with industry standards.

W Finance Groupe Primonial - Sicavonline (2024)


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Author: Frankie Dare

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Views: 6105

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (73 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.